Custom Panels in Grafana 11.3

Hello team!
I’m running Grafana OSS 11.3 on my windows machine. I wanted to build a dashboard for production data (mysql) and wanted certain custom panels:

  • Custom tabs (to organize my dashboard)
  • A table with a custom column (dropdown list) that will allow users to pick a value and update it in the sql table.
  • A page with two date pickers and a button (will send an api call)

I was using the scenes plugin earlier to achieve this but its a hassle as i have to run the grafana instance on WSL and there are problems with data source connectivity. With the 11.3 update, I wanted to know if such panels are doable. If yes, how?

Thank in advance!

@harshpailkar For editable tables you can use Business Table, which also support tabs

For data pickers to submit api call Business Forms: