Grafana Custom Table Plugin

Hey guys. So I’m building a custom plugin to implement interactive tables in Grafana (with buttons, etc.). I’ve already managed linking the result of queries to the data in table, but the problem is my table looks really out-of-order for Grafana style. Any suggestions on how can I achieve same or, at least, similar style to default table? I know that there is original Grafana “Table” React component, but I’m not sure that it’s possible to change it’s behaviour (like checkboxes and buttons for each row, dialog windows). Any ideas will be appreciated.

@artemp2403 You can make as close as possible using Grafana theme:

We, actually, working on a similar panel. Do you use any library to create tables?

Please share when you make it work.

Thx, for advice, I’ll check it out. I’ve started from using Grafana library and it’s table component, but I wasn’t been able to modify its behavior, so I’ve switched to the default React table.

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