Csv querying problem

I am completely new to grafana. I would like to use as a data source in Grafana Cloud a .csv file, that is in a public github folder here: https://github.com/claudiocarnevale/prova_dati/blob/main/asseX_40.csv
I added the csv plugin by Marcus Olsson and then I data the csv data source:

I tried to explore the data, in particular the latitute column, but I find this problem:

I made some mistake, but I really do not understand :frowning: .

PS: in the url in configuration page, I put the whole address: https://github.com/claudiocarnevale/prova_dati/blob/main/asseX_40.csv

and in the path in the explorer tab I do not put anytthing…

Thank you!
I could have paid more attention!
Thanks for your time!

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you need to quit decaf! or time for another coffee break!