I’ve installed New Relic plugin for Grafana from
GitHub - vistaprint/grafana-newrelic-datasource-plugin: New Relic Datasource - Custom Grafana Plugin
I wanna know why the variables that we have to include the data for representing on the graph comes with sectioned names such as: WebTransactionTotalTime/Uri/4ySWEVnn/* and not just as WebTransaction. In New Relic, it shows just web transaction. How do we get to collect all the data and show at once in Grafana through New Relic plugin? This is shown in the image I’ve attached.
If anyone has the knowledge please help… 
Just to prevent confusion for other readers - the plugin you downloaded is a community-built New Relic plugin - it’s not the Grafana Enterprise New Relic plugin that’s available in Grafana Enterprise which is maintained by the Grafana Labs team.
According to the Github Readme and New Relic API docs - this is output pagination that’s happening as a result of a limitation in the New Relic API:
New Relic APIs, by default, return 200 results (see https://docs.newrelic.com/docs/apis/rest-api-v2/requirements/pagination-api-output). Paging has been added to the query for Applications, with an arbitrary limit hardcoded at 10 pages.
- The hardcoded limit is arbitrary. If you need more than 2000 results (200 per page over 10 pages), increasing the finalPageNumber default value in NewRelicQueryCtrl.prototype.getApplications is all that would need to be done.
- Although paging has been implemented for Applications, the same can not yet be said for Metrics. This means that Metrics are currently limited to 200 results maximum."