Correct query syntax


What is the correct syntax query to use non negative deriative function with sum of multiple field grouping by day ?

I try something like the exemple below but the result is not the result expected.

SELECT non_negative_derivative(sum(“A”), 1s) + non_negative_derivative(sum(“AAAA”), 1s) + non_negative_derivative(sum(“SRV”), 1s) FROM “bind” WHERE (“type” = ‘prod’) AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time(24h) fill(null)



What is the correct syntax query to use non negative deriative function
with sum of multiple field grouping by day ?

I try something like the exemple below but the result is not the result

It would be helpful to tell us what you expect the result to be, and what
result you actually get, so we can tell where you might want to adjust things.

I’m not sure that will help you …

I know approximately my result, for exemple 1 billion. But when I run my query I only have 6 million.

Run each of the three added parts separately first and see if they are all wrong or perhaps just one.