Features and enhancements
Bug fixes
- Plugins: Only configure plugin proxy transport once. #71741, @wbrowne
- Alerting: Fix unique violation when updating rule group with title chains/cycles. #71330, @grobinson-grafana
- Fix: Change getExistingDashboardByTitleAndFolder to get dashboard by title, not slug. #70961, @yangkb09
- Alerting: Convert ‘Both’ type Prometheus queries to ‘Range’ in migration. #70907, @JacobsonMT
- Alerting: Support newer http_config struct. #69718, @gillesdemey
- InfluxDB: Interpolate retention policies. #69299, @itsmylife
- StatusHistory: Fix rendering of value-mapped null. #69107, @leeoniya
- Alerting: Fix provenance guard checks for Alertmanager configuration to not cause panic when compared nested objects. #69092, @yuri-tceretian
- AnonymousAuth: Fix concurrent read-write crash. #68802, @Jguer
- AzureMonitor: Ensure legacy properties containing template variables are correctly migrated. #68790, @aangelisc
- Explore: Remove data source onboarding page. #68643, @harisrozajac
- Dashboard: Re-align Save form. #68625, @polibb
- Azure Monitor: Fix bug that did not show alert rule preview. #68582, @alyssabull
- Histogram: Respect min/max panel settings for x-axis. #68244, @leeoniya
- Heatmap: Fix color rendering for value ranges < 1. #68163, @leeoniya
- Heatmap: Handle unsorted timestamps in calculate mode. #68150, @leeoniya
- Google Cloud Monitor: Fix mem usage for dropdown. #67949, @asimpson
- AzureMonitor: Fix logs query multi-resource and timespan values. #67932, @aangelisc
- Utils: Reimplement util.GetRandomString to avoid modulo bias. #66970, @DanCech
- License: Enable FeatureUserLimit for all products. (Enterprise)
- Auth: Remove ldap init sync. (Enterprise)
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