I have the time zone for the mute rule set as UTC, however, so I’m not sure why this error is occurring. I can set any time between 10:00 and 24:00 successfully (so long as start < end).
I’m running Grafana v11.3.0 (d9455ff7db) in Thinger.io, which is the latest version of the plugin in Thinger.
When I check the settings for “timezone”, I find the following settings:
default_timezone = “browser”
rendering_timezone = (blank)
Is this a known bug? It seems like Grafana is confused about what time zone I’m in / how it’s determining if the start and end times are in UTC. I searched this forum & the Github issues for “mute time” and “mute timezone” but didn’t find anyone else who seems to have this issue.
Without complete example of the input it’s impossible to say anything definitive.
I guess you want to setup overnight interval. You can do it like this