What Grafana version and what operating system are you using?
grafana-enterprise_10.3.3_amd64.deb -
What are you trying to achieve?
at the top of the dashboard is “Host:” and “Job” - there is nothing in the fields.I am trying to change these to mymac:7100 and mymac_metrics as defined in the /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml file, but I cannot set these fields.
These fields are set correctly for a bunch of other dashboards, but these where created with an earlier version of grafana.
I have tried editing the json of the dashboard, but it reverts removing my changes.
I have verified mymac:7100 and mymac_metrics are in the system by using the Explorer page.
I have also tried to set the “job” variable the same way it is set on an existing dashboard, in Settings → Variables → job ; I have copied the config exactly. At the bottom of the screen there is a “Preview of Values”, when I put an existing value into the regex box (safeserver_metrics) and click on “Run Query” the preview shows the value, however when i put mymac_metrics into the regex and click “Run Query” there is nothing.
It seems like something is missing when I added the mymac server metics, yet everything looks good, and the Explore tool shows data from the server.
There are no errors in journalctl log.