I’m using RouterOS SNMP and InfluxDB - Telegraf.
When I get traffic data from RouterOS with SNMP, instead of mbit/s traffic, it shows the total traffic passing through the interface as bytes. I want to find the difference between the last value received by SNMP on Grafana and the previous value and find out how many mbit/s of traffic per second. How can I do that? Can someone help me please?
We need more information, which datasource do you use ?
If it’s InfluxDB, you need to use “non negative deriative” function.
Yes I’m using InfluxDB. Where can I do the function you said?
My Query is:
SELECT "bytes-in" FROM "snmp-interfaces" WHERE ("if-name" = 'uplink')
For exemple : SELECT non_negative_derivative(last(“bytes-in”), 1s) FROM “snmp-interfaces” WHERE (“if-name” = ‘uplink’)
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