Calculate Daily Power Usage

Grafana Version: Grafana v7.5.7 (Linux)

Im trying to monitor the power usage for a Shelly Plug (All products - Products - Shelly) It works well and I can get power consumption usage.

I would like to extend this by having a “Usage for the last 24hours” gauge, but unfortunately im a little stuck on how to deal with the data and how to calculate it for 24 hours of usage total.

What I would like to do is have a total calculated from all the readings during the last 24 hours to output 2kwh of power used in total in the last 24 hours.

The output from the shelly plug is in whats and the current consumption at the time of reading.

I hope someone can help as I have been trying multiple different things but none seem to yeild the correct results, unless im using over a megawatt of power a day :smiley:

Hi @toneee

This is a common question. We will soon release a box-plot plugin that should be able to do this in browser. see this issue:

And here are some resources for doing this with Influx and SQL-type datasources:

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