I’m new to grafana, i’m using it with influxdb and I’m collecting values from OpenHab.
Database in very simple, 2 columns:
What I need is to calculate Power usage for current day from 00:00 to 23:59, in a SingleStat panel.
I need to calculate total Kw/h used since 00:00 of current day.
I Also need a bar graph showing total power usage for last days (configurable if possible).
In same dashboard I need to have also Realtime power usage for last 12 hours.
Something like that:
How can I perform this?
Grafana Docker Latest
InfluxDB 1.2.2
Many thanks in Advance
Are you having problems writing the query or combining the different time ranges on one dashboard?
For power usage for current day, you would choose the Today
option from the time picker in the top right corner. The query would look something like this:
SELECT sum("value") FROM "your_table" WHERE $timeFilter GROUP BY time($interval)
The queries for the other panes would be similar but you need to use the override relative time option to combine different time ranges on the same dashboard.

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Hi Community
I think I have a similar problem.
i use grafana with influxdb and I’m collecting values from OpenHab.
Database in very simple, 2 columns:
Openhab save valuee for power consumption in €.
I get the representation of daily consumption in grafana not shown exactly.
Example Date: 06.06.2017
I have export the database from influx and have counted the values from 06.06.2017.
The result was 0,125€.
In grafana i have group by time (1d) and select difference and test some aggregations (distinct, mean, median and mode)
but nothing show me the right value.
I’m not sure what I have to adjust.
And why is the time off a bar from a single day every 02:00:00?
I need some help please
@ MArcolino,I think that Continuos Queries is what you’re looking for
Hello everyone,
@marcolino7, I was wondering if you finally did solve your problem? Is Continuous Queries really the only way to go for what you wanted to do?
I have the feeling we are so close to get Grafana to display what we want, almost straight without any influxdb additional config, that I am still hoping we don’t need Continous Queries…