Boolean values in Graph pannel

Grafana newest version
I would like to represent boolean values in time dependence
this works so far very well with Transform see the example

but unfortunately you can’t hide the origin values incl. agenda completely.

Does anyone have an idea how this can be solved differently, or would this be a function that could be added to Grafana?

what do you mean by the above?

What happens when you move the slider on “Replace all fields”?

I would like to have only the graphic of the converted values and that please also without the legends of the original values

unfortunately not what I want

If this graph had “Rohrpumpe” in the legend, would it be exactly what you wanted?

Also, have you experimented with the Legend settings?

If this graph had “Rohrpumpe” in the legend, would it be exactly what you wanted?

yes, if in addition also the graph would be displayed

Also, have you experimented with the Legend settings?

yes, but this only influences how the legend as a whole should look.

I am looking for a way to hide these objects completely and show only the converted values as a graph and in the legend

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How about instead of using the Transformation, you use an expression? For example, here is query A and B, plus an expression C that uses the results from query A.

Next, click the ‘eye’ icon on A. Doing so will make query A invisible, but the expression C will remain.

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this is a wonderful solution, but unfortunately my JSON data source does not support this option.
Thanks for the tip though, that helps me with another site

made my day, thank you very much!

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