Bar gauge with multiple querys

Hi I’m completly new to grafana, influxdb, iobroker and unRaid.
So far, this is my setup.
With a little work, I did get it to run properly.
But I have no clue about that Query stuff and what I’m doing wrong.

I’m running Grafana v8.0.6 in a Docker on an unRaid OS.

I have already made some cool dashboards. but what i am missing is some kind of status display for my HDD temperatures.
I get the data via Telegraf from the unraid system into my Influxdb.
so far so good, the problem is that bar gauge always shows only max 3-4 querys. they are all configured the same, but as soon as i create more than 3 or 4, the display shrinks to 2-3 graphs…
i thought i can add as much querys as i want and the bar gauge will add more bars according to the querys…

I want to display a LOT more Temps.
Analogously i would also like to query my docker status like this.

can someone help a complete newbie?

Thx in advance and sorry for my bad english.

greetings chriz

Please copy and paste here the query you are using to get this data from
InfluxDB. I assume you created the query using Grafana’s Query Builder?

If you can show us the output of the Query Inspector as well, that would
probably be helpful.


Hi Antony,

ty for your reply.

Yes i build everything with the query Builder for influxQL bcoz I dont know the flux language.
Therefore I mapped the influxdb2.0 buckets to a v1 database and retentionpolicy.
This works fine, but i want to let you know bcoz it maybe does have something to do with my problem?!?!?!

so this is my query for every HDD.:

SELECT mean("temp_c") FROM "smart_device" WHERE ("device" = 'sdd') AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval) fill(null)

i just clicked on that little pencil to show the text, I hope this is what you meant.

The Query Inspector says the follows.

SELECT mean("temp_c") FROM "smart_device" WHERE ("device" = 'sdd') AND time >= now() - 12h and time <= now() GROUP BY time(2m) fill(null);SELECT mean("temp_c") FROM "smart_device" WHERE ("device" = 'sdc') AND time >= now() - 12h and time <= now() GROUP BY time(2m) fill(null);SELECT mean("temp_c") FROM "smart_device" WHERE ("device" = 'sde') AND time >= now() - 12h and time <= now() GROUP BY time(2m) fill(null);SELECT mean("temp_c") FROM "smart_device" WHERE ("device" = 'sdf') AND time >= now() - 12h and time <= now() GROUP BY time(2m) fill(null);SELECT mean("temp_c") FROM "smart_device" WHERE ("device" = 'sdg') AND time >= now() - 12h and time <= now() GROUP BY time(2m) fill(null)

The Inspector as well says the same for the 3 querys that are shown.

the other Querys I want to to be shown arent there…

edit: the Inspector says something else:

q:"SELECT mean("temp_c") FROM "smart_device" WHERE ("device" = 'sdd') AND time >= now() - 12h and time <= now() GROUP BY time(2m) fill(null);SELECT mean("temp_c") FROM "smart_device" WHERE ("device" = 'sdc') AND time >= now() - 12h and time <= now() GROUP BY time(2m) fill(null);SELECT mean("temp_c") FROM "smart_device" WHERE ("device" = 'sde') AND time >= now() - 12h and time <= now() GROUP BY time(2m) fill(null);SELECT mean("temp_c") FROM "smart_device" WHERE ("device" = 'sdf') AND time >= now() - 12h and time <= now() GROUP BY time(2m) fill(null);SELECT mean("temp_c") FROM "smart_device" WHERE ("device" = 'sdg') AND time >= now() - 12h and time <= now() GROUP BY time(2m) fill(null)"

Greetings and thanks again :slight_smile:

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