Hi I’m completly new to grafana, influxdb, iobroker and unRaid.
So far, this is my setup.
With a little work, I did get it to run properly.
But I have no clue about that Query stuff and what I’m doing wrong.
I’m running Grafana v8.0.6 in a Docker on an unRaid OS.
I have already made some cool dashboards. but what i am missing is some kind of status display for my HDD temperatures.
I get the data via Telegraf from the unraid system into my Influxdb.
so far so good, the problem is that bar gauge always shows only max 3-4 querys. they are all configured the same, but as soon as i create more than 3 or 4, the display shrinks to 2-3 graphs…
i thought i can add as much querys as i want and the bar gauge will add more bars according to the querys…
I want to display a LOT more Temps.
Analogously i would also like to query my docker status like this.
Yes i build everything with the query Builder for influxQL bcoz I dont know the flux language.
Therefore I mapped the influxdb2.0 buckets to a v1 database and retentionpolicy.
This works fine, but i want to let you know bcoz it maybe does have something to do with my problem?!?!?!
so this is my query for every HDD.:
SELECT mean("temp_c") FROM "smart_device" WHERE ("device" = 'sdd') AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($__interval) fill(null)
i just clicked on that little pencil to show the text, I hope this is what you meant.
The Query Inspector says the follows.
SELECT mean("temp_c") FROM "smart_device" WHERE ("device" = 'sdd') AND time >= now() - 12h and time <= now() GROUP BY time(2m) fill(null);SELECT mean("temp_c") FROM "smart_device" WHERE ("device" = 'sdc') AND time >= now() - 12h and time <= now() GROUP BY time(2m) fill(null);SELECT mean("temp_c") FROM "smart_device" WHERE ("device" = 'sde') AND time >= now() - 12h and time <= now() GROUP BY time(2m) fill(null);SELECT mean("temp_c") FROM "smart_device" WHERE ("device" = 'sdf') AND time >= now() - 12h and time <= now() GROUP BY time(2m) fill(null);SELECT mean("temp_c") FROM "smart_device" WHERE ("device" = 'sdg') AND time >= now() - 12h and time <= now() GROUP BY time(2m) fill(null)
The Inspector as well says the same for the 3 querys that are shown.
the other Querys I want to to be shown arent there…
edit: the Inspector says something else:
q:"SELECT mean("temp_c") FROM "smart_device" WHERE ("device" = 'sdd') AND time >= now() - 12h and time <= now() GROUP BY time(2m) fill(null);SELECT mean("temp_c") FROM "smart_device" WHERE ("device" = 'sdc') AND time >= now() - 12h and time <= now() GROUP BY time(2m) fill(null);SELECT mean("temp_c") FROM "smart_device" WHERE ("device" = 'sde') AND time >= now() - 12h and time <= now() GROUP BY time(2m) fill(null);SELECT mean("temp_c") FROM "smart_device" WHERE ("device" = 'sdf') AND time >= now() - 12h and time <= now() GROUP BY time(2m) fill(null);SELECT mean("temp_c") FROM "smart_device" WHERE ("device" = 'sdg') AND time >= now() - 12h and time <= now() GROUP BY time(2m) fill(null)"