AWS RDS MSSQL configuration failed. error [plugin health check failed]

Hi Guys and TEAM!!

What grafana version am i using?
–>I am using Grafana version 10.1 running on windows 11.

What am i trying to achieve?
–>I’m facing Grafana (running locally) connectivity issue with AWS RDS MSSQL. I receive the error “Plugin health check failed”.

→ This problem i think is associated with Grafana because AWS RDS MSSQL database connection with ‘MSSQL client’ works fine.

What happened?
→ I am getting “plugin health check failed

Can you copy/paste the configuration(s) that you are having problems with?

Did you follow any online instructions? If so, what is the URL?
→ I looked for this issue online but none found. Many have already raised issue of “plugin health” problem for MSSQL, but none are answered.

I have looked at the log file but nothing useful visible. I have attested the log file at the bottom

~ THANK YOU!! the grafana team

Check your logs: “no db name provided” That’s usefull error message and that’s exactly what I see in your datasource config. Why you didn’t specify db name?

Hi @jangaraj, Thanks for the reply.

Yeah! But it is not compulsory to provide database name as i observed in making successful connection with MySQL and PostgreSQL.

However, I’ll still give it a try.

OK @jangaraj,

It worked! Thanks so much.