Annotations and Labels are not populating for Cisco Webex Teams Messaging (grafana: v9.5.2)

In Grafana alerting, I have an issue with custom labels and dashboard variables. I pass my dashboard variables to the alert template, but they do not populate in webex messages.

The final webex message I received does not contain those label values

Alert Type: Pod Restart Notification
Pods Restarted :
Above pods are restarted in the last x minuites

@grant2 could you help me with this, i dont find much documentation regarding webex notification templating

Hi! :wave: Your template is incorrect I’m afraid. There is no top level field called .Labels. You need to either iterate over all alerts in the notification or choose one alert (i.e. the first alert) using the index function. You can find examples of this in the documentation here.

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could u help me with setting up grafana webex alerting?