I’m having trouble sending Loki based Slack alerts via the UI.
- I’ve created an alert rule and I see that it’s status is “Normal”.
When looking at its graph, I can see that there are results.
This is its expression:
sum by (namespace) (count_over_time({namespace="api"} | json | __error__ != "JSONParserErr" | level="ERROR"[1m])) > 0
I’ve created a “Contact point” for slack and verified that it works (tested and received a dummy alert).
Now I don’t really understand how to “connect” between the alert rule and the contact point.
I tried creating a “Notification policy” in which I added the Slack contact point, but I don’t understand how to connect it to my specific alert rule (attached image)
What does the “Matcher” mean? Am I supposed to connect to the alert rule via some label?
If so, which one?