I have an alert that I configured to be sent on slack. The problem is that when the panel goes into alert, the alert is not sent.
Here my alert configuration :
Here my notification policy configuration :
Here my contact point configuration :
Here what in my title template :
{{ define "ingress_alert_title" -}}
{{ if gt (.Alerts.Firing | len) 0 }}🚨 {{ .Alerts.Firing | len }} firing alerts. {{ end }}{{ if gt (.Alerts.Resolved | len) 0 }}✅ {{ .Alerts.Resolved | len }} resolved alerts.{{ end }}
{{ end -}}
Here what in my message template :
{{ define "ingress.firing_and_resolved_alerts" -}}
{{ len .Alerts.Resolved }} resolved alert(s)
{{ range .Alerts.Resolved -}}
{{ template "alert.summary_and_description" . -}}
{{ end }}
{{ len .Alerts.Firing }} firing alert(s)
{{ range .Alerts.Firing -}}
{{ template "alert.summary_and_description" . -}}
{{ end -}}
{{ end -}}
{{ define "alert.summary_and_description" }}
Status: {{ .Status }}
Summary: {{.Annotations.summary}}
Description: {{.Annotations.description}}
{{ end -}}
I specify that when I click on the test button of my contact point, I receive a notification on slack that is:
[ 1 firing alerts.|attachment](https://grafana.djam.ooo/alerting/list)
0 resolved alert(s)1 firing alert(s) Status: firing
Summary: Notification test
I absolutely do not understand where the problem is.
Is someone have a lead please?