Adjust date / time format of x-axis of time series visualization

Hi experts,
I would like to adjust the X-Axis of Time Series visualizations to a format that is used here (Germany).
It should be the easiest thing of the world and I feel a bit stupid, but I can not manage and can not find much information about it. Some entries here in the forum suggests that it is not possible at all to adjust the format?! It’s hard for me to believe with such an elaborated system as Grafana!

What I have tried is to add an override

But whatever I put behind “time:” - it has no impact on the format of the X-axis.

I’m using Grafana version 11.1.1. my data source (if that is of any relevance) is InfluxDB.

Any advice?

Hmm, either this question is too difficult or so obvious that nobody wants to invest time in answering it.

Maybe I wasn’t able to clearly state my question? Please let me know if anything is unclear and I will try to clarify it!


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Hi @info90f4 ,

I cannot confirm 100% (due to using an older version G9.5)
but don’t think it is possible to alter the x-as using the ‘Time Series’ panel. (I can remember there have been similar topics with this question). I’m only able to alter the ‘tooltip’ (format) with the override.

I can confirm it works for ‘Bar Chart’

unf. some ‘easy’ expected things have not been implemented in Grafana yet.

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if you are feeling adventurous you could use business chart plugin and the options are endless