Addition of queries via Expression option not working

What’s looks like a simple math (A+B) is not so simple.

Start simple math:

10 (result from query A) 
10 (result from query B) 
20 (expected result from math expression $A+$B)

Actually, result from query is timeseries (see query config Format as: Time series) - there is list of values and each value represent some value in time, so it can be:

10 (result from query A at 2024-01-01 00:00:00) 
10 (result from query B at 2024-01-01 00:00:00) 
20 (expected result from math expression $A+$B at 2024-01-01 00:00:00)

But what if those values are from different times - what should be result of math expression - I would say this is undefined behaviour, because it is not possible to do a math:

10 (result from query A at 2023-01-01 00:00:00) 
10 (result from query B at 2024-01-01 00:00:00) 

There is link to Grafana doc, which is good to read:

With binary operations, such as $A + $B or $A || $B, the operator is applied in the following ways depending on the type of data:

If both $A and $B are time series data, then the operation between each value in the two series is performed for each time stamp that exists in both $A and $B. The Resample operation can be used to line up time stamps. (Note: in the future, we plan to add options to the Math operation for different behaviors).

I highlight it: If both $A and $B are time series data, then the operation between each value in the two series is performed for each time stamp that exists in both $A and $B.

Editor has feature Table view feature:

Use it and inspect/debug time series for each query and make sure you have values with right time stamps, when you want to perform math.

But I would say just don’t generate time series and it will be simple math as you expect.