Hey everyone. I’m running Telegraf/InfluxDBv1/Grafana on a RPi. I currently have uptime on a stat panel showin the time unit. Is there anyway to abbreviate the time unit displayed? e.g. Instead of week, day, hour, etc; display wks, d, h? Can I map it somehow in grafana.ini? I don’t see an option for that, nor does the Moment.js documentation touch on it.
I have tried different units (time vs duration), but ultimately I just want a one or two digits and a single-letter unit. Duration is almost there, but I want it to only show the longest time unit applicable (i.e. if >1 day → show only day count). More advanced rules would be nice (between 1-2 days → show #d#h), but I’m not quite at that stage in my dashboard config yet.