Xk6-couchbase failing to build with check sum error

we are trying to build k6 with xk6-couchbase but we see a checksum mismatch. How can this b fixed?

k6>CGO_ENABLED=1 xk6 build master --with github.com/grafana/xk6-sql --with github.com/mostafa/xk6-kafka --with github.com/thotasrinath/xk6-couchbase
2024/08/06 18:45:28 [INFO] exec (timeout=0s): /bin/go mod edit -require github.com/thotasrinath/xk6-couchbase@latest 
2024/08/06 18:45:28 [INFO] exec (timeout=0s): /bin/go mod tidy -compat=1.17 
github.com/thotasrinath/xk6-couchbase@v0.0.4: verifying module: checksum mismatch
	downloaded: h1:E+eNWQByFW1ffQhcVvP5c5GZIzI3DGlSv5g/PKDm6sY=
	sum.golang.org: h1:UX49IbV9IMip/0KG3ilXM1LMruj7GceZZ7JIaaua/uI=