Who can help me to add specific organization for my jwt user?

I created user via Jwt
payload = { "user": "ssss", "sub": "ssss@example.com", "role": "Admin", "iat": int(time.time()) }

enabled: true
header_name: X-JWT-Assertion
username_claim: user
email_claim: sub
org_claim: org
username_attribute_path: user
email_attribute_path: sub
auto_sign_up: true
#auto_assign_org: true
#auto_assign_org_role: true
#org_name: test
role_attribute_path: role
#org_attribute_path: orgName
#expect_claims: {}
#skip_org_role_sync: true
allow_assign_grafana_admin: true
url_login: true
key_file: /etc/grafana/keys/grafana.key.pub

Also when I try to log in via URL(localhost:3000?auth_token=xxxxx) all work, and my user was created by grafana. However, I could not provide a specific organization to the user “marketplace with org id 2” instead of the default “Main Org.” I read this inf “The organization that the role is assigned to can be configured using the X-Grafana-Org-Id header.” and tried to get it via curl but every time my user had default org. Can you explain to me how I can configure specific org for my jwt user? Thanks