Want to create Mixed graph line and bar graph

how to create Mixed graph line and bar graph.?
we are right now using 7.3.3 version of grafana.

I want Mixed graph as below


Maybe apache echart grsfana plugin

Thank you so much.

apache echar grafana plugin " can i download in 7.3.3 version?
which version its available?

7 3?! :scream: is that even supported anymore? Any reason you cannot upgrade to latest? You need at least 8 5

ok upgrading grafana ,
i m new to grafana … will it effect the current charts what we have created if i upgrade it to 8.5?
before doing upgrade do i need to take back up of anything?

I cannot comment on this specific question about your charts and upgrading from
7.3 to 8.5, however I would say “always take a complete backup before
performing a significant upgrade”.

Basically, put yourself in the (hopefully hypothetical, but who knows)
situation in 2 hours’ time, after you have done the backup, and you find out
that things are worse than they were before (for whatever reason). You will
want to be able to go back to how things are now and then reconsider. Not
having a backup makes that more difficult than necessary.



yes indeed! that is always a given as @pooh mentioned above. Best practice