I want to test that how many concurrent users can my server serve , for accessing a web page which consists of HTML-5 Video Tag , the video is coming through CDN
Please help me as i am just a beginner
I want to test that how many concurrent users can my server serve , for accessing a web page which consists of HTML-5 Video Tag , the video is coming through CDN
Please help me as i am just a beginner
Hi @brownboyD Welcome to k6 community
As understood Video source come from CDN also you host web page in own remote server.
You need perform Breaking point test from documentation.
what does the sleep(x) means in my script for testing
export default function () {
const videoURL = "https://autozone.mangoapps.com/cdn/videos/pulse/autozone-com/attachments/134055/0/1688089478914_TheAutoZoneStorycopy.mp4";
const videoDurationSeconds = 3; // Video duration in seconds
// Generate a random byte range for the Range header
const startByte = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1); // Change the maximum value based on video size
// Set the Range header with the random byte range
const headers = { Range: `bytes=${startByte}-1048576` };
// Make an HTTP GET request to the video URL with the Range header
const res = http.request("GET", videoURL, null, { headers });
// console.log(res);
check(res, {
"Status is 206": (r) => r.status === 206, // Partial Content response
// Simulate a delay to represent video playback time
this is my default function