Variables not working on public dashboards

I use grafana-server Version 10.4.0 and OS: Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS.

I have a public dashboard that I want to use variables functionality with it. I saw that currently Grafana does not support variables function in public dashboards, so I basically added data links (${__url}?var-location=${__value.location}) to my panel view to make the location variable work. It works perfectly fine while in edit mode, but when I publish the dashboard to public it failed working (since the url changes each time I select a location).

So I basicly edited the data links to change {__url} part with the key I got when I made the dashboard public. Then, the data links functionality added the desired filtration query to the link, but it did not refreshed the dashboard with that new url. When I manually pressed enter, it worked as it should be.

My question is: is there any workaround solution to make variables functionality work?
Or when will Grafana support variables in a public dashboard?


Hi All, Iā€™m also missing this feature. Would be great to have this available. Many thanks!!