Value Not changing with respect to Grafana time range


I have added file with time series. Used pivot option to count the total value for each day and made time field as time and field congaing value as Number. When I change the time range in grafana the graph changes, but total value doesn’t change.

UQl Code : parse-csv
pivot count(“Completed On”), “Completed On”

Above graph and value is displaced when I select 30 days

When I change it for 15 days, graph changes correctly, but number doesn’t change.

I am using total count to display here, here I have selcted total in caluculation

hey @ritheshms7

Could you share your query?


This is the query I am using,

pivot count(“Completed On”), “Completed On”

Output looks something like this

Just guessing…

The value 320 is the total over anything, like the total of all value without a time range.
Can you try:

where "Completed On" >= $__timeFrom and "Completed On" <= $__timeTo
pivot count("Completed On"), "Completed On"

Yes. Total for a month is 320. But for 15 days it will be different which is not changing.

And the provided query doesn’t revert any data

And your value doesn’t change because in your initial query there’s no timerange settings…

I’m not very used to this query language… Can you try the same query as I provided with a filter instead of a where. If it doesn’t work you need to check how to add a timerange parameter in your query.

filter option doesn’t work.

Sure, I will try other possible ways to set the time range settings

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Did you see this GitHub issue? Not looking so good to me, but maybe it could suit you?

I will check on this and leave the msg here. Thanks for the finding