Using another exporter for panel data

Good day. I hope I’m posting this to the correct group.

I’m using the pre-built MySQL/MariaDB Workload ( ID: 14621) dashboard from the Grafana Dashboards repository. It uses data provided through the mysqld_exporter. However, there are a few panels that appear to need data provided through node_exporter. Both of these exporters are installed on the nodes that I’m monitoring, but the panels report “No Data”.

This is an example of a panel query that reports “No Data”:

rate(node_vmstat_pswpin{instance=~“$host”}[$interval]) * 4096 or irate(node_vmstat_pswpin{instance=~“$host”}[5m]) * 4096

node_vmstat_pswpin is captured by node_exporter.

This is my prometheus config file:

scrape_interval: 10s


  • job_name: ‘prometheus_metrics’
    scrape_interval: 5s
    • targets: [‘localhost:9090’]
  • job_name: ‘node_exporter_metrics’
    scrape_interval: 5s
    • targets: [‘localhost:9100’,‘myhost:9100’]
  • job_name: ‘mysql_exporter_metrics’
    scrape_interval: 5s
    • targets: [‘myhost:9104’]

What do I need to do to make those panels report data from node_exporter (while MySQL-related panels continue to report data from mysqld_exporter?