Understanding of Grafana schemaVersion= 27 and 36

Hi there

I have made some changes to Grafana dashboards in my sandpit and I have noticed that the within the dashboard.json files that the schema versions are different in my sandpit compared with what I have in my live for some of the existing ones.

I am looking for info or a document that identifies what the differences are, e.g how does it work, why etc , does it matter, CurrentlyI am on Grafana v 8.5 and not looking to upgrade, i just want to be able to migrate the new dashboards and resolve the schema_version

Basically it is identifying there is a mismatch between “schemaVersion”: 27 and “schemaVersion”: 36 within dashboard.json files between my 2 environments which are on the same Grafana version.

Hi @sib,

Welcome to the :grafana: community support forums !!

We are excited that you joined our OSS community. Please read about some of the FAQs in the community :slight_smile:

Could you please run the following command on both (sandpit and prod-evn) and paste the output?

[root@grafana ~]# grafana-server -v