Unable to see saved dashboard

It is probably a super newbie question, but I can’t figure out the solution.

I just installed Grafana and added my Prometheus source.
Then I imported a couple of dashboards (405 & 1860).

Surprisingly, when I go to the dashboards, they do not appear:

I also tried to save them under a different name: without success.

They only appear when I go back to the home page, under the recently viewed dashboards:

What did I do wrong?
How do I make those 2 dashboards appear in the list of dashboards?
How can I setup Grafana to use one of the two as landing page?

Thanks in advance for your help,


It was simply related to the fact that the dashboards were saved at the root. As soon as I created a blank dashboard and saved it to the general folder, I was able to:

  • go back to the recently viewed dashboard
  • display each dashboard
  • save them into to ‘general’ folder
  • star them
  • use them as default home page

Hi I facing the same problem. But it only happen when I embedded the Grafana. I already follow the tips above but the dashboard still not appear on the embedded.