@yosiasz – I reduced the time range to last 7 days (since my data time starts from 11/22/2022).
@bujupah – I could not find the transformation “convert field type” in the list of transformations in my grafana installation . Is there any way to get it ?
my granfana server version is 7.5.15
[root@grafana1 bin]# grafana-server -v Version 7.5.15 (commit: NA, branch: master)
Updated grafana to latest version (9.2.6)
Got the “convert field type” transformation
Did the transformations as @bujupah suggested.
PS : One thing I noticed while testing with the new version of grafana was , that csv file could not be in /tmp directory , I had to move to other directory in order for the file to be known/discovered by grafana.