Unable to get data from Application Insights by custom query after migration to Grafana v.7.0.5


After the migration to Grafana v.7.0.5 we lost some stats data on our panel that query data from Application Insights service by using custom queries.

The query is operational on Application Insights and returns the expected count value.

If re-create panel with Application Insights service there is no option to specify the query, only use predefined metrics and other configuration fields.

Is there a way to run custom queries for App Insights in a new version of Grafana?
Or this is a bug/limitation? Or how to get the returned value?

The panel JSON (after migration):

  "cacheTimeout": null,
  "datasource": "Production App Insights ",
  "fieldConfig": {
    "defaults": {
      "custom": {},
      "unit": "none",
      "thresholds": {
        "mode": "absolute",
        "steps": [
            "color": "#F2495C",
            "value": null
            "color": "#1F60C4",
            "value": 50
            "color": "#1F60C4",
            "value": 1000000
      "mappings": [
          "id": 0,
          "op": "=",
          "text": "N/A",
          "type": 1,
          "value": "null"
      "nullValueMode": "connected"
    "overrides": []
  "gridPos": {
    "h": 4,
    "w": 4,
    "x": 0,
    "y": 7
  "id": 111111111,
  "interval": null,
  "links": [],
  "maxDataPoints": 100,
  "options": {
    "reduceOptions": {
      "values": false,
      "calcs": [
      "fields": ""
    "orientation": "horizontal",
    "colorMode": "background",
    "graphMode": "none",
    "justifyMode": "auto",
    "fieldOptions": {
      "calcs": [
  "pluginVersion": "7.0.5",
  "targets": [
      "appInsights": {
        "dimension": "none",
        "metricName": "select",
        "rawQuery": true,
        "rawQueryString": "requests\n| where $__timeFilter(timestamp)\n| where url !contains \"manager\"\n| where timestamp >= ago(20m)\n| count",
        "segmentColumn": "Count",
        "timeColumn": "Count",
        "timeGrain": "auto",
        "timeGrainType": "auto",
        "valueColumn": "Count"
      "azureLogAnalytics": {
        "query": "//change this example to create your own time series query\n<table name>                                                              //the table to query (e.g. Usage, Heartbeat, Perf)\n| where $__timeFilter(TimeGenerated)                                      //this is a macro used to show the full chart’s time range, choose the datetime column here\n| summarize count() by <group by column>, bin(TimeGenerated, $__interval) //change “group by column” to a column in your table, such as “Computer”. The $__interval macro is used to auto-select the time grain. Can also use 1h, 5m etc.\n| order by TimeGenerated asc",
        "resultFormat": "time_series",
        "workspace": ""
      "azureMonitor": {
        "aggOptions": [],
        "dimensionFilter": "*",
        "metricDefinition": "select",
        "metricName": "select",
        "metricNamespace": "select",
        "resourceGroup": "select",
        "resourceName": "select",
        "timeGrain": "auto",
        "timeGrains": [],
        "top": "10"
      "hide": false,
      "queryType": "Application Insights",
      "refId": "A"
  "timeFrom": null,
  "timeShift": null,
  "title": "Last 20 Minutes Total Requests",
  "type": "stat"

And per query inspector request/response:

  "request": {
    "url": "api/tsdb/query",
    "method": "POST",
    "data": {
      "from": "********",  
      "to": "********",
      "queries": [
          "type": "timeSeriesQuery",
          "raw": false,
          "appInsights": {
            "rawQuery": true,
            "rawQueryString": "requests\n| where $__timeFilter(timestamp)\n| where url !contains \"manager\"\n| where timestamp >= ago(20m)\n| count",
            "timeColumn": "Count",
            "valueColumn": "Count",
            "segmentColumn": "Count"
          "refId": "A",
          "intervalMs": 900000,
          "datasourceId": 11,
          "queryType": "Application Insights"
  "response": {
    "results": {
      "A": {
        "refId": "A",
        "meta": {
          "columns": [
        "series": null,
        "tables": null,
        "dataframes": null