Transform function Grafana 7.0 A+B Binary Operation fail

Hello ,

I am trying to get a sum result between 2 pdu’s using transform function binary operation but it does not work . Here is the input :slight_smile:
Querry A:
SELECT last(“ActivePower”) / 1000 FROM “pdu.snmp” WHERE (“PDU_Name” =~ /^PDU_A/) AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time(1s) fill(null)
Querry B:
SELECT last(“ActivePower”) / 1000 FROM “pdu.snmp” WHERE (“PDU_Name” =~ /^PDU_B/) AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time(1s) fill(null)

Expected result is SUM(A+B) .
Actual result is 0 .

Anybody knows what might be wrong

The update solved this issues . Thanks to developers .