Time-filter on dashboard


I created a prometheus metric query as per the logs to count them and put them in grafana dashboard show that I can visualise them in numbers.

I am creating one gauge and one trendline. Fo trendline it is good.

Query is:

sum(http_server_requests_seconds_count{uri=“/collection/completeTask”, method=“POST”, application=“collection-service”, status=“200”})

only issue is time filter is not there. For example: If I put filter in grafana for 30 min it will show total number of task and If I put it for 2 days it still shows the same.

It must be in way that it should shows how many request has been generated in last 30 min or 1 hour only.

How can we put time filter for same in dashboard?
sum(http_server_requests_seconds_count{uri=“/collection/completeTask”, method=“POST”, application=“collection-service”, status=“200”})