The item Plugins does not appear in the dashboard dialog; 7.4 (latest)

The item Plugins does not appear in the dashboard dialog; just add a new panel. What else do I have to do or what have I done wrong? I use the version 7.4 (latest)


Are you connected with admin user ?

Good Luck

Hello thank yor for response. I mean the question is: how can core plugins installed/Importen.
There are no plugins in the standard directory as described in de grafana.ini file.

Core plugin that is bundled with Grafana

This is the info if I touch the button in the core plugin list
I use the latest version installiert as in the grafana portal described on a ARM CPU


ALL-CLEAR and INFO on version Grafana 7.4 (latest) “Visualization” does not run.

I installed the version grafana_6.2.2_armhf and everything running fine (till now after switch on and first data test) !!

(two days of fighting have a happy END !!)