Im using the telegraph ping input to graph response times for multiple destinations per host and each host has different destinations. Each destination has the tag “url” in influxdb. I can graph just fine if I statically set which url tag to use. But I need to dynamically query for all urls for each host.
My url tag query works fine in influxdb and returns results for all url tags associated with a given host.
Working off another query (from the telegraph dashboard template) it will only show one url on the graph. I need it to combine each url for that host into a single graph. Hope that makes sense.
here is the query I am using:
SELECT non_negative_derivative(mean("average_response_ms"),1s) FROM "ping" WHERE "host" =~ /^$server$/ AND "url" =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)/ AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($interval) fill(none)
which gives me this graph of one url:
and the reference query that graphs multiple queries:
SELECT non_negative_derivative(mean(bytes_recv),1s)*8 as "in" FROM "net" WHERE host =~ /$server/ AND interface =~ /(vlan|eth|bond|vmbr|ens).*/ AND interface !~ /veth/ AND $timeFilter GROUP BY time($interval), * fill(none)
Im not sure what Im missing here. Any help would be much appreciated.
Oh and this is Grafana version 4.0.2