I created a statetimeline
panel with analog data (ranging from 0 to 5000).
I wanted to create value mappings using the new range condition:
I menenged thanks to this forum topic to successfully indicate if the graph should show OFF, OK or OK - Working.
But now when I hover my mouse over the statetimeline graph the values are not merged - even though I set the option Merge equal consecutive values
to True
It shows that duration was 19 seconds even though it clearly was in ON state for more then 2 minutes.
I have a postgresql datasource and running this query:
SELECT total_aprt_power as "TAP", time
FROM shelly_data
WHERE $__timeFilter(time)
What can I do so that the analog values would be merged? Is it even possible with the statetimeline panel right now?
Hey everyone - I’ve got the same issue. Does anyone have a resolution aside from changing it in the source system?
July 19, 2024, 4:23pm
Similar issue, I actually get negative infinite value, see also:
opened 11:17PM - 17 Jul 23 UTC
### What happened?
When I add value mapping to my state timeline chart it doesn… 't do anything.
To have the value mapping "working", it need the color scheme to be changed from thresholds to single color.
However, doing that break the merge equal consecutive values feature.
### What did you expect to happen?
Value mapping working.
### Did this work before?
Never tried that before, but according to the documentation it should work.
### How do we reproduce it?
1. Create a state timeline visualization.
2. Add value mapping.
3. Find out it doesn't work.
### Is the bug inside a dashboard panel?
_No response_
### Environment (with versions)?
Grafana: v10.0.1
OS: Docker
Browser: Chrome
### Grafana platform?
### Datasource(s)?
_No response_
Please, Grafana could you try to solve this issue?
I get negative infinite if I check “Merge equal consecutive values”: