Stage.timestamp with Alloy

Hey! I’ve been trying to parse my logs and assign the log timestamp to the Grafana timestamp. Right now, the timestamp reflects when the log is ingested into Loki, but I want to use the actual timestamp from the log itself. I’ve been working with the following Loki process and log structure, and the message extraction is working fine, but I can’t seem to get the timestamp sync to work.


  "body": {
    "@timestamp": "2025-01-20T19:25:48.893Z",
    "message": "{\"\"}",
    "message_size": 1089,
    "stream": "stdout",
    "tags": [


loki.process "process_logs" {
	forward_to = [loki.relabel.filter_labels.receiver]

	stage.static_labels {
		values = {
			job = "consumer_prod__paas_prdpg_apps",

	// Process the massive blob of Json for Elastic and 
   //take the useful metadata from it
	stage.json {
		expressions = {
			extracted_log_message    = "body.message",
			extracted_timestamp      = "'body.@timestamp'",

	stage.label_drop {
		values = ["filename"]

		source = "extracted_log_message"

	stage.timestamp {
		source = "extracted_timestamp"
		format = "RFC3339"


Try this:

loki.process "process_logs" {
    forward_to = [loki.relabel.filter_labels.receiver]

    stage.static_labels {
        values = {
            job = "consumer_prod__paas_prdpg_apps",

    // Process the massive blob of Json for Elastic and 
   //take the useful metadata from it
    stage.json {
        expressions = {
            extracted_body    = "body",

    stage.json {
        source      = "extracted_body"
        expressions = {
            extracted_log_message    = "message",
            extracted_timestamp      = "@timestamp",

    stage.label_drop {
        values = ["filename"]

    stage.output {
        source = "extracted_log_message"

    stage.timestamp {
        source = "extracted_timestamp"
        format = "RFC3339"

Still doesn’t work!
The parsing of the message is working correctly and the output is correct, but I can’t seem to get the timestamp part to work.

Tested the config, I think the problem is with the @ symbol. I would recommend you to see if you can remove that from your source log. If not, use a replace block to get rid of it.

This is the config I used to test your log:

Sample log (/tmp/test.log):

{"body": {"@timestamp": "2025-01-20T19:25:48.893Z","message": "{\"this is test log\"}","message_size": 1089,"stream": "stdout","tags": [""]}}

Alloy config:

local.file_match "test" {
  path_targets = [{
    __path__ = "/tmp/test.log",
    job      = "test",

loki.source.file "logs" {
  targets    = local.file_match.test.targets
  forward_to = [loki.process.process_logs.receiver]

loki.process "process_logs" {
    forward_to = [loki.echo.test.receiver]

    stage.replace {
      expression = `(\@timestamp)`
      replace    = "timestamp"

    stage.static_labels {
      values = {
        job = "consumer_prod__paas_prdpg_apps",

    stage.json {
      expressions = {
        extracted_body = "body",

    stage.json {
      source      = "extracted_body"
      expressions = {
        extracted_log_message = "message",
        extracted_timestamp   = "timestamp",

    # for testing only
    stage.labels {
      values = {
        extracted_timestamp = "",

    stage.label_drop {
      values = ["filename"]

    stage.output {
      source = "extracted_log_message"

    stage.timestamp {
      source = "extracted_timestamp"
      format = "RFC3339"

loki.echo "test" { }

Alloy echo output:

level=info component_path=/ component_id=loki.echo.test receiver=loki.echo.test entry="{\"this is test log\"}" labels="{extracted_timestamp=\"2025-01-20T19:25:48.893Z\", job=\"consumer_prod__paas_prdpg_apps\"}"

It worked! Thank you for your help!!