Stacked Bar Chart inside a cell

I’m playing around with Grafana V11.2.1.

I need a stacked bar chart inside a cell like the following example.


This was created using Tabulator.js and placing a custom JavaScript function as a formatter.

Using Grafana Table, I was able to get a simple bar chart, but I haven’t been able to achieve the same result.


Does anybody have any ideas?


you might look into stacked bar charts here

which you can implement in grafana using Business chart plugin

Apache EChart is very nice.
Stacked bas charts is also possible using standard Grafana charts.

I need a stacked bar chart inside a table cell. Using trandard Grafana table I can select the tipe “Gauge”, but it doesn’t support stacking. Using Business Table I can’t find how insert a chart inside a cell, even if it’s possible.