Sort influx data manually possible?

I have following query :

SELECT mean("voltage") FROM "cells" WHERE 
("cell" = 'Cell 1' or "cell" = 'Cell 2' OR "cell" = 'Cell 3' OR "cell" = 'Cell 4' OR 
 "cell" = 'Cell 5' OR "cell" = 'Cell 6' OR "cell" = 'Cell 7' OR "cell" = 'Cell 8' OR 
 "cell" = 'Cell 9' OR "cell" = 'Cell 10' OR "cell" = 'Cell 11' OR "cell" = 'Cell 12' OR 
 "cell" = 'Cell 13' OR "cell" = 'Cell 14' OR "cell" = 'Cell 15' OR "cell" = 'Cell 16') 
AND $timeFilter 
GROUP BY time($__interval), "cell" fill(linear)

My issue is that influx sort as string so I get Cell 1 then Cell 10 where I would like to have Cell 1, Cell 2 … … , how can I achieve that ?

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