Solution for alerting and monitoring base upon resource type


My team is looking into Grafana Cloud as a full monitoring and alerting solution. However, we’re running into a possible road block.

Here is the situation: We leverage numerous Azure services, in different regions. With that in mind, we are looking to monitor and alert, by resource type - without a need to specify a resource group/region/resource id. All new resources should be picked up automatically. So far, everything built into the Azure monitor requires a region and resource id, without the ability to combine objects from different regions into one dynamic query.

Here is a sample scenario:

  • We have two app service plans in two different regions - App1 in Region A and App2 in Region B
  • We plan to spin up an additional app service plan, App3, in Region 3

When we query for these App Services, we are only allowed to query one at a time:

This is due to the Azure API:

An error occurred while requesting metadata from Azure Monitor
Resource type: microsoft.web/sites not enabled for Cross Resource metrics

Our question is - does Grafana have a solution to meet our needs? Can we do this with the Grafana Cloud agent?

Thank you,


Hi @devopsc0fc [Matthew],

Were you able to find a workaround for this? We are trying to build some dashboards using Azure monitor data, and it does not allow us to select multiple resources.


Hi @harryk ,

Unfortunately, the only workaround we found was to make use of the Grafana Alloy agent, to collect and aggregate Azure service metrics. However, we did not like this, as the agent failing would be a single point of failure for all our monitoring solution.

To be honest, we have been bogged down with other projects that migrating to Grafana hasn’t been a priority for us. So, I don’t have much to offer as a solution. I bet with more time, my team could find a proper solution.

