Hello guys, I would like to know if it’s possible to connect a smart watch (apple watch or other watches) to my Grafana server? I try to looking for a solution the real time data trasnfer. Created a simple examle with mysql server, its not work in real time just can show the values. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KMYAuBySdFU
welcome @asztalosimre
it depends whether that device shares the data via some sort of service. Does it?
I would like if the device to share health data via an open api.
Or a solution that creates a csv file from the data but I think the transfer speed its not will be too fast.
Node-RED can take your CSV data and convert to streaming MQTT, and your Grafana dashboard can use the MQTT datasource plugin (or just populate your MySQL database more rapidly).
Thanks, I will try this option.
Hi there,
I am also interested in getting my Health Data (Samsung Health) to Grafana.
Were you able to solve this? How?