Results for query are showing below all the rows

Hello I am using a prebuilt dashboard with prometheus for the data source. It shows all of the computers for a specific job along with their disk drive usage and other information.

I am trying to copy one of the queries, “C:/ Drive Usage” and re use it to show the F and E drives as well. However, when I copy the query, transformations, and overrides that is used for the C:/ Drive Usage query it just makes new rows for all of the computers below the existing table.

If I adjust the existing query and replace the letter C with F or E, get the desired results.

What would be the best way to get these 2 columns next to eachother so it doesn’t repeat everything with my additional queries?

Don’t use merge transformation, but use join transformation and join both results by hostname first. Then use organize transformation.

Perfect thank you so much!!

Disabling the merge caused some unexpected behavior with the table but just adding the join by hostname field transformation fixed it!!

Edit: Actually I had to adjust to join by Instance in my case