Rendering time out without error

Hello guys!

I installed Grafana from source code (because I had to make some small modification on OAuth2 conf).
I built frontend and backend. I made sure that phatomJS is well installed, and I switched log level to Debug.

When trying to render panels, I get the following logs:

t=2020-03-03T08:55:27-0500 lvl=info msg=Rendering logger=rendering renderer=phantomJS path="d-solo/pJy_5JlWz/new-dashboard-ss?orgId=1&from=1583222126496&to=1583243726497&panelId=2&width=1000&height=500&tz=America%2FToronto"
t=2020-03-03T08:55:27-0500 lvl=dbug msg="executing Phantomjs" logger=rendering renderer=phantomJS binPath=C:\\users\\XXXXX\\go\\src\\\\grafana\\grafana\\tools\\phantomjs\\phantomjs.exe cmdArgs="[--ignore-ssl-errors=true --web-security=false --local-url-access=true --debug=true C:\\users\\XXXXX\\go\\src\\\\grafana\\grafana\\tools\\phantomjs\\render.js url=http://localhost:3003/d-solo/pJy_5JlWz/new-dashboard-ss?orgId=1&from=1583222126496&to=1583243726497&panelId=2&width=1000&height=500&tz=America%2FToronto&render=1 width=1000 height=500 png=C:\\users\\XXXXX\\go\\src\\\\grafana\\grafana\\data\\png\\gvXDaVIwO5ioj3iVRBsi.png domain=localhost timeout=60 renderKey=sr7RTx4RW0g22ji66N5NalCrQD0bNZau]" timezone=America/Toronto
t=2020-03-03T08:56:29-0500 lvl=dbug msg="Phantomjs output" logger=rendering renderer=phantomJS out="Loading a web page: http://localhost:3003/d-solo/pJy_5JlWz/new-dashboard-ss?orgId=1&from=1583222126496&to=1583243726497&panelId=2&width=1000&height=500&tz=America%2FToronto&render=1 status: success 60000\r\n"
t=2020-03-03T08:56:29-0500 lvl=dbug msg="Phantomjs error" logger=rendering renderer=phantomJS error="exit status 1"
t=2020-03-03T08:56:29-0500 lvl=info msg="Rendering timed out" logger=rendering renderer=phantomJS
t=2020-03-03T08:56:29-0500 lvl=eror msg="Timeout error. You can set timeout in seconds with &timeout url parameter" logger=context userId=1 orgId=1 uname=admin error="Timeout error. You can set timeout in seconds with &timeout url parameter"

As you can see, there is no error from the render.js. But still I get a timeout.
Can’t figure out what is the issue behind this.

Would be great is anyone could help me on this as I am stuck.

Thank you,


Have you tried the Grafana Renderer Image Plugin:
PhantomJS is deprecated since 6.4.
You can find more information on Grafana Image Rendering here:

I can help if you have any trouble with the Grafana Renderer Image Plugin.

Hello @agnestoulet1,

I finally succeeded to install and use the Grafana Renderer Image Plugin. It’s working fine thank you!
Still don’t know why I was getting the errors, but nevermind :slight_smile: