Refreshable panels on html page

Hello Grafana users,

We are a group of 2 students working on a school project and we need support :slight_smile:
The main goal is to provide a user interface which monitor our set of sensors (temperature, humidity, CO2, …).

We have created a Grafana Dashboard with one panel for the moment and we would like to share it on a web site (Everything is done on the same computer, a nginx or apache server will be set). We have done some research and read the documentation (to configure the grafana.ini file) and we have understood that one way to share panels is to use the iframe feature (on html).
When we are accessing the html page we can see our graph but it’s not getting updated in real time. After doing some research we couldn’t find an answer…

Is there a way to make it refreshable (for example when we press the F5 key) later on we’ll automate it ?

Thanks for the support