I’ve attached screen shots to help answer your questions. Unfortunately this website is preventing me from putting a third screenshot which shows the expected results when I don’t use nested variables.
If not, can you please check in the browser developer tools what query is sent to the backend? Unfortunately there is no Query Inspector in the variables form like the one in the panel query editor.
Open the developer console in your browser.
Click in the Query field and make an idempotent change (add a character and delete it).
Click on the page background to remove the focus. This triggers a query/response.
Look for the HTTP transaction in the console, inspect the Graphite query that was sent to the backend.
We have 36 different app servers. 24 in 1 location and 12 in another. I’m concerned with the 24. The first app server is not used in a similar fashion as the other 23. My regex removes the first one. All 23 app servers have the exact same curl_json collectd calls. I’ve verified the data exists in Graphite. I’ve also verified by using the explore option (I do like this feature) that all 23 app servers have the data and grafana is able to plot it.
You’re asking to see more data regarding the request and response pairs. I think a screen share would be best.