React application and grafana

I have a full stack web application (React.js in frontend).

I need to to consume one Grafana endpoint and show some charts on a react page based on some queries.

I used Insomnia (like Postman) to fetch data and it worked, but using React.js (browser) to fetch the same endpoint ended with cors and 400 errors.

The Query:

method: POST


body: {"queries":[{"expr":"sum by(node) (irate(host_cpu_seconds_total{node=\"5C7uadAbvdHi9XWfTB5ixzdf6SzUCR6yhnCRCnnT4Hfq6ckr\", mode=\"idle\"}[$__rate_interval])) / on(node) group_left sum by (node)((irate(host_cpu_seconds_total{node=\"5C7uadAbvdHi9XWfTB5ixzdf6SzUCR6yhnCRCnnT4Hfq6ckr\"}[$__rate_interval])))","datasourceId":2}],"from":"1681917052562","to":"1682003452562"}

Respone in Insomnia:

200 OK
data: {
	"results": {
		"A": {
			"status": 200,
			"frames": [
					"schema": {
						"name": "

Please help me to find my way, what type of plugins I have to use? is there any trick to fetch data in backend?