Raspberry Pi 5 and OS supported?

Is Raspberry Pi 5 hardware with Raspberry Pi OS supported?
Download, Linux or Linux on ARM64?

Or we can use step 3 in this guide?
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y grafana

Many thanks

Hey @leo128

I’m not sure of what’s your problem…
Didn’t the apt update/install worked?
What happen?

Only have 20 GB free disk space. Will Garfana fit?
Many thanks

Well, Grafana usually use less than 1Gb for the installation (around 200Mb). So it will fit, but it’ll also depends on how you use it…

Many thanks. It works. Any pointers for reading material on how to learn to use Grafana to create VISUALLY VERY BEAUTIFUL chart/graph from weather data.
Data can either be dummy test data or something downloaded from real world open source.
Many thanks

what is your weather datasource? (influxdb, mysql,postgres) please provide some sample data, not as an image but as text in the comment section

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Now has nothing. No database installed.
Next step is to choose a database to use and populate the database with dummy or real data (whatever easier, now is to learn Garfana). Some posters say we should be looking for some database that is aimed for simple time series. Not use relational database, like MySQL. Seem read on Grafana web somewhere a list of Grafana support/recommended databases.

  1. user can select chart type
  2. user can select a time window on data to plot
  3. can plot two charts to quick visualize comparation. Says temperature for 00:00 to 23:59 yesterday and one week ago
    Many thanks

best to crawl before you walk. for POC just use csv data with infinity plugin

Sample data


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Many thanks. Data looking good.
Now waiting for pointer to which database, among many dozens, to use. New to these.

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depends on your comfort level with databases. ever worked with any you feel comfortable with?

where will you be getting this weather data from? do you have some weather reading device in your yard?

Data from simple Sparkfun sensor board. Just a simple program to format an INSERT statement for MySQL using date_time as primary key.
Pepole say it is wasteful to use MySQL and we should use a time-series database which is designed to use ONLY date_time as the only primary key. Never use a ‘time-series’ database before. There are dozens of database and need advises to pin point a useful one that is ‘natively supported by Grafana’.

most dangerous two words. Do your own research.

that can be done with any database.

all of them are useful, and a lot of them are supported in grafana

So again, which database are you currently most familiar with or do you want to learn a new one from scratch?

If I were you and was starting from zero, I would go with sqlite.