I’m new to InfluxDB and Grafana so please bear with me…
I’d like to create a graph that shows daily bars of stock quotes. Stacked on top to show the total portfolio value, per day. Though it would be nice if I could zoom in and show bars for arbitrary periods like 5m, should data be available with that resolution. I prefer to not put a hardcoded timestamp on the InfluxDB data, but let grafana figure it out when drawing the graph (if possible).
For now I’m using a script that polls stock quotes and inserts them into InfluxDB one by one. This means timestamps are slightly different for each quote (the script takes a couple seconds in total).
I’ve had some success with a query where I use the quote-name tag in a GROUP BY clause. This appeared to work when I had only one measurement but when more were added things got screwed up. I’ll try to add some screenshots but I think this is a simple usecase, I just have a hard time wrapping my head around all these concepts which are new to me. Can I solve it in the query? Do I need to fiddle with resolution and retention policies? Do all measurements need to have the exact same timestamp when inserting into InfluxDB?