Production build isn't found by the application

When using the development build, the plugin works fine. However, when I use the production build, the plugin is not found by the application.
Here is the link GitHub - GridProtectionAlliance/osisoftpi-grafana at feature/change-to-react.
Any ideas?
Thank you

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I am glad that you are continue working on the React version for OSIsoft. I can test it with one of my customers when it’s ready.

What do you see in the logs? One of the reason why plugin can be skipped because it’s not signed.

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This is the error:



PanelQueryRunner Error 
Object { message: "Datasource: vx7jLyJ7k was not found" }
message: "Datasource: vx7jLyJ7k was not found"
<prototype>: Object { … }
    run PanelQueryRunner.ts:258

I have whitelisted the plugin so it can work even if not signed.

Managed to fix it.

Changed the datasource constructor to have only one argument.


constructor(instanceSettings: DataSourceInstanceSettings<PIWebAPIDataSourceJsonData>, private backendSrv: any) {


constructor(instanceSettings: DataSourceInstanceSettings<PIWebAPIDataSourceJsonData>) {

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