Prevent grafana rounding values


I have timed data on Mysql with values in thousents that I set to “Currency/ Dolars ($)”.
Grafana for some reason, instead of displaying precise values of those values in Y access like
“$1100” or “$2500” it just displays “$1K”, “$2K”.

A graph that goes from bottom to top “2K,2K,2K,2K,3K,3K” is not very helpful. How can I enforce some precission and get at least “2100, 2200, 2300, 2400” etc.

Go to visualization style and change the unit of Y axis. By default its short . change unit from short to none.

I have it set to “Currency / Dollars ($)” and I would like to keep it as $


in my case changing “Unit” to String disabled rounding

Even though the original post by @tmdag is almost 2 years old, in case anyone is still wondering…


how to do this in Alerting?

To display only 2 digits to the right of the decimal, try using something like this in your alert template:

{{ printf "%.2f" $values.D.Value }}

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